Additional services


All of the translations produced in our office are always reviewed by another translator – proofreader. Upon request, we will also be happy to proofread the texts and documents translated elsewhere.

We also perform proofreading in cases in which the client sends us updated or amended versions of the documents we have translated.



Editing of a text involves additional text correction by a native speaker of the language in question, who works on the text to ensure consistency and that the text is logical and well-composed. This means that the terminology and style are more suited to the purpose for which the text is intended, and the editor renders the text more reader-friendly.

Editing is particularly important in translating academic texts, books, or commercial offers. We recommend this service in particular when the translated text is to be published.


Along with our language translation services, we also offer graphic formatting and support for preparing documents for printing. We translate drawings, tables, or charts created in programs like: Visio, AutoCad, PhotoShop, Acrobat, and PowerPoint, while retaining the original layout.

If we receive a text that is intended to be published, we can also prepare it to be sent directly to the printer. We create the graphic design according to the client’s instructions, insert the translation, perform final editorial corrections and then provide the client with the material ready to go to print.